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I I . Defence Blocking the ball Basic defensive elem ent : stopping a shot by using hands. Man m arking Defensive st rategy where a defender is assigned a specific opposit ion player to guard rather than covering an area of the court . Get t ing the rebound Catching the ball that bounces back after a shot . Holding the opponent Physical contact to stop the opponent ’s m ovem ent towards a scoring opportunity. I ntercept ion of the ball Stop and catch the ball before it reaches a part icular place (e.g. to intercept a pass) . Manto-m an defence system s Opposed to zone defence, here the players t ry to m ark the opponents closely and prevent them from even get t ing the ball. Com bined defence system Player(s) in the defending team have m an m arking tasks, the others use a zone defence. Stealing the ball Taking ball possession when the opponent is holding or bouncing the ball. Tackling Physically holding the opponent in order to prevent shoot ing. Zone defence system s Can be 6: 0 (six players on the goal area line) , 5: 1 (5 players on the goal area line, one player in front of them ) , 4: 2, 3: 2: 1 (open defence) , 3: 3, 1: 5 (open defence) | |
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