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I V. Rules of the Gam e 3 m et res from the thrower The opponents are not allowed to stay closer than three m eters to the player taking a free throw or throwin. 3 steps A player holding the ball is only allowed to m ake three steps, afterwards he has to dr ibble or pass the ball. 7m line A line 7 m et res from the goal m arking the spot where the penalty throw is to be executed. 7m -shot / Penaltythrow Direct shot taken from 7 m et res. Form of punishm ent awarded for a foul when a player with the ball in his hand is fouled in clear scoring opportunity. Assault A forceful and deliberate at tack against the body of another person. Ball Round object used in handball in different sizes for wom en and m en and for the different age categories Bench for subst itutes A bench in the subst itut ion area where the subst itute players have to rem ain seated. Cent re line Line cut t ing the court in two halves m arking the spot of the throw off Cent re of the court The circle where the throw off is carr ied out . Changing goalkeepers The goalkeeper leaves court to be replaced by the subst itute goalkeeper. This can occur during the gam e or before a penalty is executed Change of sides After the halft im e break (or som et im es after coin toss) the team s change sides. Choice of sides After the coin toss the team s are allowed to decide which side they want to have their subst itut ion area and goal. Coach The head of the team who gives inst ruct ions, m akes subst itut ions and creates the tact ics during the gam e. Coin toss Before the m atch the referees carry out a coin toss to determ ine who will start the gam e and who can choose ends. Court player All the players except for the goalkeepers. Cross the sideline The ball leaves the playing court on the side. Crossed the goal line The ball is in the goal Disallowing a goal The referee decides not to validate a score for any irregular ity preceding it Disqualificat ion A player m ay be disqualified by the referees for a num ber of cases specified in the regulat ions. I n this case the referee shows the player the red card and he cannot return on court for the rem aining part of the gam e. | |
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