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Overt im e According to the com pet it ion regulat ions, when a m atch ends in a draw, an overt im e period m ay follow. This is played in two halves of five m inutes with a one-m inute break between them . Personal punishm ent Violat ions to the rule m ay lead to personal punishm ent awarded by the referee. This m ay begin with a warning, followed by m ore severe punishm ents such as disqualificat ion, etc. Players Mem bers of a team taking part in the gam e. Playing court Area where the gam e is played. Passive play Keeping the ball in a team 's possession without m aking a recognisable at tem pt to at tack and score. Playing t im e Two halft im es of 30 m inutes. Public scoreboard clock A clock usually fixed on the wall of the sports hall where the spectators can see the results and the playing t im e. Re-enter A player that has been punished with a twom inute suspension is allowed to enter the playing court again. Referees A person in charge of a gam e who has to m ake sure that the rules are followed. Sanct ion Any form of penalisat ion by the referee Save The goalkeeper stops a shot with hands, legs or any other body part . Scoreboard clock with autom at ic signal The board fixed on the wall that shows the score and signals at the end of 30 and 60 m inutes. Score The result of the gam e. Serving a 2-m inute suspension The player stays on the subst itut ion bench for two m inutes after receiving a suspension. Sideline The line that m arks the side of the playing court Subst itut ion Player enter ing the court to replace a team m ate. A subst itut ion m ay not be m ade unt il the other player has left the court . Players m ust enter and leave the playing area on their own half of the court and inside the subst itut ion area. Subst itut ion line Line that m arks the area where the subst itut ions are allowed. Suspension Form of personal punishm ent , a 2-m inute suspension. Team A unit of players with a m axim um num ber of 14 on the m atch report . Team official A person represent ing the team , registered in the m atch report . Throw in When the ball leaves the playing court on the sides, a throw in is to be taken from the sideline. | |
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