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V. Event Managem ent Accident and health insurance Coverage by cont ract for cases of injur ies. Accreditat ion A pass that officials, team m em bers, m edia representat ives, etc. receive to m ove freely in certain areas of the sports hall. Adm inist rat ion Arrangem ents and tasks undertaken to guarantee the gam e or event organisat ion. Announcem ent I nform at ion released by officials. Appeal Process for request ing a form al change to an official decision. Arbit rat ion regulat ions The rules and process of the resolut ion of disputes. Arena details I nform at ion and data on the playing hall Arr ival The exact t im e that the team s or officials reach the venue. Banquet A form al event for the part icipants of a tournam ent , usually as a closing act . Briefing Any of the m eet ings between the officials and the local organisers (e.g. key personnel m eet ing, security br iefing or meet ing the floor m anager) . Changing room s The room s in the playing hall where the players can change before and after the gam es. Com pet it ions An organised event (cup or tournam ent ) where club team s or nat ional team s take part . Com plaints An official com m unicat ion from part icipants stat ing problem s concerning a m at ter. Cross m atches Gam es taking place after Main Round (e.g. the winners of the groups play against the second ranked team s of the other group) . Daily bullet in Results and stat ist ics of the m atch day published in a booklet at the end of it . Deadline A t im e and date by which som ething is to be done. Delegates Officials carrying out tasks of event supervision. EHF delegates are observers and supervisors. Departure Date and t im e of part icipat ing team s and officials leaving the venue of the gam e or tournam ent . Doping cont rol Random drug test ing for perform ance enhancing substances in the organism of athletes. Draw The procedure of pair ing team s and deciding about the com pet it ion schedule. Event venue The place where the event or tournam ent takes place. Expenses for board and lodging Money spent on accom m odat ion and food. | |
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