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Playing hall The venue of the m atch. Prelim inary round The init ial phase of a tournam ent with all team s com pet ing. Pre-m atch conversat ion A kind of br iefing between the delegate and the referees prior to the gam e. Press conference An official event organised for the press with the part icipat ion of the team coaches and player(s) where the m edia can ask their quest ions regarding the gam e. Press facilit ies The infrast ructure provided for the m edia, e.g. tables, com puters, internet , etc. Pr izes The awards won by the team s, e.g. m edals, m oney. Post m atch procedure A short official cerem ony at the end of the gam e (not necessarily after every gam e) . Protest and appeals Official com plaint about irregular it ies experienced during a gam e, m ade by a team . Qualificat ion Gam es played to decide which team s can take part in a com pet it ion. Referee guidance Advice and direct ions given to the referees by senior refereeing experts, m entors; or also the observer’s help given for the referees during the gam e. Referee observat ion Officials cont rolling the job done by the referees. Right of part icipat ion Condit ion under which a team are eligible to take part at an event . Safety and security Condit ions to be guaranteed for the part icipants of an event or gam e to secure that they are not in danger. Sem ifinals One of the two gam es played to decide who will take part in the final of a tournam ent or com pet it ion. Sm oking ban Prohibit ion of sm oking in an area, e.g. inside the sports halls. Spectators People watching the sports event inside the sports hall. Supervision Official cont rol. Technical infrast ructure All the equipm ent guaranteed for a sm ooth organisat ion of a gam e or event , e.g. com puters, loudspeakers, etc. Technical Meet ing An event preceding the m atch(es) where the officials and team officials check and agree on technical details, such as the clothing or the team lists, etc. Tickets Ent ry passes allowing the holder to take a seat in the spectators’ area. Training schedule A docum ent containing the t im es of the t raining sessions of all the team s of a com pet it ion. | |
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